Early Years Inspection Report

Our most recent Early Years inspection, concluded in March 2019.

“This provision is outstanding.

  • Leaders are inspirational role models. They lead a highly qualified staff team which delivers an exciting and stimulating curriculum through excellent teaching. Leaders scrupulously consider the views of everyone involved when deciding how to further develop the early years provision. Self-evaluation is rigorous.
  • Children are highly motivated and get deeply engrossed in their play. The meticulously planned, stimulating learning environment provides rich and meaningful opportunities so children are actively involved in their learning. Staff rapidly respond to children’s emerging interests to ensure resources capture their imaginations.
  • Children thrive at the setting and all aspects of their well-being are carefully nurtured by the sensitive and perceptive staff. There is an extremely strong focus across the early years provision on promoting children’s health, welfare and personal development from a young age to make sure they are ready to learn.
  • There is excellent partnership working with parents from the outset, for example the home visits and family groups children attend prior to commencing. These help staff to gain a deep understanding of children and their family circumstances. Staff offer exceptional support and guidance to parents to help their children make significant progress.”

Click here to download our latest Ofsted report – focused on children aged 1-5.