Prepared Environment – 6 to 12 Mths – Uninterrupted Time

Part 4 of an 8-part discussion handout.

Uninterrupted movement time

The child’s inner teacher has laid down a precise timetable,

Both rigorous and exact.

We could never be so strict, so demanding,

as the child is of themselves.

The child is at work all the time.

There is no such thing as leisure in the life of a baby.

Even when they are asleep,

their brain continues changing itself

based on their experiences of the day.

To respect this inner teacher

Is to respect the wisdom of Life.

And the most commonly forgotten form of respect

Is to give them uninterrupted movement time.

Uninterrupted by whom?

By us.

Respecting the baby’s concentration

When a baby is doing something,

Studying something,

Engaging with something,

An act of love

is to stand aside,

and become an invisible protector.

When we stand back,

and just observe,

we learn so much more about the child.

Without observing,

how can we know what help to offer

this unique individual?

In quiet watchfulness,

we can learn so much.

The silent messages

When we watch,


the child knows we are there.

Deep down they feel “I am trusted’.

“I can trust myself”.

The most common obstacle to a child’s inner harmony

Is us,

when we interrupt their engaged attention.

Sometimes by something as subtle as ‘encouragement’.

A gentle smile,

rather than loud praise,

can sometimes be more helpful,

if it allows their sensitive and intelligent focus

to remain

on the subject of their engagement

rather than shifting it

onto us.


your child’s inner teacher.


Next: The Low Shelf